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Choosing the Right Chair – Massage Chair Fitment

Getting a proper fitting massage chair is essential.

There are larger and smaller people. Some chairs will be better suited for medium to small individuals and some are suitable for big and tall people. We need our massage chairs to be able to accommodate us, no matter our size. In fact, it’s an essential feature to know about the chair you’re looking to purchase. Choosing the right massage chair is vital to the perfect massage experience. We want to be sure you get the most out of your money when deciding which massage chair is best for you.

Customers tend to forgo the possibility that their choice of a massage chair should include their physique. There are massage chairs designed perfectly for various body types, even a handful of massage chairs in our stock are accustomed to support larger users, and petite users specifically. Luckily, on Massage Chair Planet, we list all of the specifications and details for each massage chair, so you’re aware of how it will fit in your home and while operating with your body.

When choosing the right chair for your body size it’s important to consider the type of track your massage chair has. For a larger user, they may want to buy a chair with an L-track, so that the rollers are able to massage the whole back, whereas a massage chair with just an S-track may not be able to reach all of the user’s back during the massage.
Additionally, the weight limit on most chairs is around 260 to 285 lbs. This is the suggested max weight. While you may use the chair if you weigh more than that, the manufacturers just want to advise that the external surfaces may wear faster and that the internal mechanics may be more susceptible to some damage. If you’re really looking for a large weight tested chair, look at the Luraco i9 massage chair which holds up to 300 lbs.

Petite users will want to be sure their feet can reach the bottom of the massage chair so that they can enjoy the foot rollers. Body scanning is essential for an accurate massage experience so that the massage chair can measure the user’s body and accommodate a targeted massage to support the user’s unique body type. There are a lot of features to consider before just buying any massage chair.

With all this said, understanding those basic weight and height requirements is going to be the beginning of your massage chair purchase journey. This is also going to be affected by the quality of the chair. If you’re thinking that massage chairs provide a rather hefty price tag, remember that the quality of the chair is directly related to the cost.

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